What is Herod the Great known for?

Asked 2 years ago

How did King Herod get known as 'Herod the Great?'

Osasere Okunloye

Monday, January 24, 2022

The name King Herod was often mentioned in the Bible at different eras, so it is believed that different individuals ruled as King Herod in the Bible days. Jewish history records a lot about Herod the Great. He was the king of Judea but ruled the territory with Roman approval. While Judea was an independent kingdom, it was still under the influence of the Romans.

According to history, Herod had ten wives and believed that Judaism supported polygamy. He killed one of his wives and three of his children. History also records some positives about him: he renovated and expanded the Temple, and also helped save the ancient Olympic game.

As I stated earlier, there were different individuals named Herod in different eras of the Bible, it is believed that Herod the Great is the direct son of the founder of the Herod dynasty.

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