Why was Jerusalem called the city of David?

Asked 3 years ago

I'm not too sure if it's Bethlehem or Jerusalem that's known as the city of David. I've also heard the name 'City of God' floating about. If someone could clarify that it would be great. I thought that it was only a holy space for Jews and Christians, but I've seen Muslims there as well, which admittedly, surprised me and intrigued me. Also, why did they call it the city of David, only to change it later on?

Petal Mashraki

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Old Testament describes how King David drove the Jebusites out of Jerusalem and established the unified capital of the Tribes of Israel. You can visit the excavated original location of the royal city of King David in Jerusalem. In the Old and New Testament, Jerusalem is called by 70 names! Bethlehem is also called the City of David because King David was born and raised in Bethlehem.

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