Is the Sea of Galilee stormy?

Asked 3 years ago

I'm intrigued by the Sea of Galilee's weather patterns. Does it have storms? If so, how big are they?

Andrew Fitch

Andrew Fitch

Friday, December 03, 2021

Hello -

I visited the Sea of Galilee in late May 2019. It is a beautiful lake and knowing that our Lord, Jesus, walked those shores made my visit even more special. When I was there, it was beautiful, sunny day, but a little windy. However, given its geography, sudden and violent storms can develop as the wind comes over the eastern mountains and drops suddenly onto the Sea. Storms are especially likely when an east wind blows cool air over the warm air that covers the sea. The cold air (being heavier) drops as the warm air rises. This sudden change can produce surprisingly furious storms in a short time, as it did in Jesus' day (Matt. 8:24)

Osasere Okunloye

Friday, December 10, 2021

Due to its low lying position in the Rift Valley, surrounded by hills, the sea can experience sudden severe storms; as in the New Testament story about Jesus calming the storm. The sea's location makes it subject to sudden and violent storms as the wind comes over the eastern mountains and drops suddenly onto the sea. Storms are especially likely when an east wind blows cool air over the warm air that covers the sea. The cold air (being heavier) drops as the warm air rises. This sudden change can produce surprisingly furious storms in a short time.

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