What is the biblical meaning of Chaldeans?

Asked 3 years ago

Who are the Chaldeans in the bible, and where do they come from?


Osasere Okunloye

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

When the Bible talk about the Chaldeans, it can be referring to either of the following:

1. The people who lived in southern Babylon (in present-day Iraq).

2. The people of Babylon: There was a time in the Bible when the Chaldeans were so popular that they were synonymous with Babylon. In Isaiah 13:9; 47:1,5; 48:14; Daniel 5:30; the term 'Chaldeans' was used to refer to the people of Babylon.

3. Astrologers and Influential people in Babylon: The Chaldeans are a highly intelligent and educated group of people. They were termed wise men and astrologers during the time of Jewish captivity in Babylon.


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