What is the difference between Menemen and Shakshuka?
Asked 3 years ago
It looks like they're both served in pans with bread, have eggs with a saucy salsa or relish. So what are the differences between these two Israeli dishes?
Gregory Norton
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Turkish Menemen and Israeli shakshuka are very similar but differ in the method and seasoning. Both are breakfast dishes where eggs are cooked in a tomato sauce. In menemen the eggs are virtually scrambled into the sauce, whereas shakshuka eggs are placed on the sauce and only slightly mixed. Menemen tends to have hot peppers whereas shakshuka uses a mix of paprika, turmeric, cumin, and black pepper. But there are countless versions of both dishes, with a variety of added ingredients.
Osasere Okunloye
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Menemen and shakshuka basically have the same ingredients. The main difference is that shakshuka has eggs added at the end of the cooking process left whole, or slightly broken up. With menemen, eggs are mixed into the tomato sauce, like scrambled eggs. The spices used can also differ, and menemen is usually spicier.
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