Fun Family Christmas Traditions That Your Kids Will Love

By Alice Bassett
Kelli Harris
Edited by Kelli Harris

Published November 29, 2021.

Children playing with funny Christmas hats

The festive season is upon us, and so we begin to break out the old family traditions with our loved ones. It may, however, be time to start adopting new Christmas traditions, especially when your family is a growing one. Whether you have started a family of your own, or simply think it's time to revamp the old favorites, you are sure to find some inspiration in this post.

How To Make Christmas Fun for Kids

While Christmas is a time for faith and worship, our young ones may not understand the full meaning yet and struggle to relate to the significance of this time of year. Introducing some unique and magical Christmas traditions can get little ones excited about Christmas. These traditions could even be used to teach kids about God and the meaning of Christmas in a creative and fun way.

11 Unique Christmas Traditions To Do at Home

  • Dressing up on Christmas day Not only is this a great way to get Christmas photos of your little ones, but you can use this as a way to introduce the characters and symbols of the Bible to your children in a way that is easy for them to understand and remember.
  • Filling Christmas Stockings The thrill of a surprise in a stocking on Christmas morning is sure to be a tradition that will last with your children well into adulthood. You can also teach your children about the importance of giving through this tradition.
  • Watching a Christmas movie Christmas movies are not only fun for children but can be an enjoyable activity for adults as well. Compile a collection of the best Christmas movies and watch one every Christmas Eve as a tradition for your family. Christmas movies often have an important lesson to convey, so it serves as an easy way to teach your child something about the spirit of Christmas.
  • Christmas caroling This is a wonderful way to get to know your neighbours and connect with your community through song. If you can't go door-to-door caroling, you can always stay in with your family and sing Christmas songs about Jesus together.
  • Putting up Christmas lights Decorating the house around Christmas time is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. If possible, decorate the outside of your home and your front garden with lights to spread the Christmas cheer with others.
  • Baking gingerbread houses An example of a timeless Christmas tradition is making gingerbread houses. This is a perfect idea for a small family to do around Christmas time, and a great way to bond.
  • A Bible story game You could play a game where one has to guess the Bible story based on clues given by other family members. This can include things like key figures, what the bible says about Christmas, and various other important symbols.
  • Decorating the Christmas tree This is a common tradition across most households and is definitely a favorite amongst the family. Decorating the tree is a lovely way to get the whole family in the Christmas spirit. Make sure to let your child add the ornament to the top of the tree.
  • Making Christmas decorations While the actual act of decorating the tree is fun, creating the decorations yourself can be a lovely tradition to start with your family. You can introduce this tradition with your baby by using a painted stamp of their footprints as a tree ornament. As they grow up, have them make a new ornament for the tree, until eventually, you can give these ornaments to them as an adult to carry on the tradition. This is also something that you can start working on earlier in the year and finish by Christmas.
  • Secret Santa Secret Santa is a great tradition to start in large families. It adds an extra element of surprise to gift-giving, as you don't know who the gift giver will be. In addition to this, it helps save money as you only have to buy one family member a Christmas gift. Suggest this idea to your child as a fun mystery so that they get as much enjoyment out of it as you do.
  • Making personalized advent calendars These can be made by simply placing items into little bags with the dates leading up to Christmas on them. It is a great Christmas craft to do with your children since it's easy and inspires them to be creative with the gifts that they choose.
  • Upholding the Meaning of Christmas

    While it is good to have unique and funny Christmas traditions for your family, it is important to remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Remember to spread the word of Jesus Christ, and to keep the meaning of Christmas alive throughout your celebrations.